This Privacy Policy is the official policy of our company regarding the collection and use of information we obtain from you. This policy explains how and why our company collects your personal data, how it uses it and how you can control their use by our company. Our company is committed to comply with applicable laws governing the collection and use of personal data and to protect and safeguard your privacy in your dealings with our company. Acceptance When you send an e-mail, use a website of our company or install, access and / or use the products and services offered by our company, you consent to the collection of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and other agreements exist between us. You acknowledge and agree that your use of our company websites or products constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the General Terms of Use. Types of information collected Our company may collect various information during the normal course of its business activities, including personal and non-personal data. For example, we may collect information such as your name, telephone number, e-mail address, your IP address, all in connection with the use of our products and / or services, as well as our company websites . The main purpose of information collection Our company collects information during the course of its business activities in order to: a) To conduct its business activities and to provide you with products and / or services. b) Provide marketing services and receive feedback on our products and services. c) Provide access to and content of websites with improved efficiency and functionality. Without this information, our company may not be able to provide you with its products and / or services or meet your expectations on an ongoing basis. How our company collects information Our company collects information in two main ways: a) directly from you when: you purchase or subscribe to our products and / or services contact us to request support or ask a question about our products or services submit your email address and other information to be included in our database you visit any of the active websites or facilities of our company you become a shareholder of our company. b) indirectly, for example, by placing browser cookies or other means of analysis on computers and devices used by you. Before or at the time we collect information, we will take reasonable steps to inform you of such collection and to draw your attention to this Privacy Policy, as well as to our Company's Cookies Policy (if applicable applications are used). . How your information will be used You acknowledge and agree that our company may use or disclose information for the primary purpose for which they were collected, such as, by way of illustration, a) The provision of services and / or products, related management tasks, the processing of orders you have placed, the marketing and notifications for changes in our services and / or products and, in general, the keeping of records regarding the use of the products and / or our services by you, registration and management of support work, communication with you or compliance with our legal obligations; and b) the information may be disclosed between our company and affiliated corporate organizations and disclosed in a confidential manner to third parties acting as our contractors, agents or suppliers regarding the main purposes of our cooperation. We may also use this information for a purpose related to the primary purpose of collecting information, as well as in cases where an ordinary person would reasonably expect us to use the information in this way. Where you provide personal information to us about another person, we warrant that you have the relevant permission to do so and that you will inform that person of our identity, the way we use and disclose their information, and that may access such data. Disclosure of information Your information will be disclosed to persons outside our company only in accordance with what is provided in this Policy